is gone.
The image above is a steelhead trout made by Richard Schrader, master blacksmith, and Paola Berthoin from the rebar that was sealed away in dam for ninety-four years. Never has such a sculpture been made like this!
When the dam was coming down, the idea to collect rebar from it to make a commemorative sculpture came to me. With the help of Granite Construction employees, we collected three truck loads of rebar. The metal awaits in my driveway to be forged into an art piece to then be installed at a Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District
parkland in the Carmel River watershed. Through this commemorative sculpture, the public can come to learn about this multi-faceted, monumental project—the largest dam removal in the state of California.
In order for this large sculpture to come into being, I am raising $12,000 for the labor, additional materials as necessary, and an educational sign to accompany the sculpture. The small sculpture above took thirty plus hours of our time alone.
With your generosity, we look forward to creating this historic sculpture to be unveiled in the Fall of 2017! Also, you can make your suggestions of what the rebar can be turned into by making a suggestion when sending in your donation. See suggestions below. Donors will be recognized on the sign that accompanies the sculpture.
Your donation can be made to the Carmel Valley Forum. Please return it to Paola Berthoin, 25440 Telaraña Way, Carmel, CA 93923. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 624-9467 or through this website contact page.
The Carmel Valley Forum is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization EIN # EIN # 01-0696867. They are acting as the fiscal sponsor for the project.
Art is not alone for the 'talented', nor is it a luxury for humanity." Pedros J. de Lemos
☐ A fish
☐ A bird with fish
☐ A mobile of different animals of the watershed
☐ A bench in the form of a fish
☐ Or something else?
Donations at whatever level works for you!
☐ $50.
☐ $75.
☐ $150.
☐ $250.
☐ $500.
☐ $1000.
☐ Other ____________
Thank you!