All quotes are unsolicited except for three as found on the back cover of Passion for Place....
Praise for Passion for Place
The book is beyond adjectives. The land, plants and water thank you from their beds be it bedrock, soil, or sandy stones...The People will thank you from their souls...a diamond-faceted gem.
A true masterpiece which weaves a silk scarf of understanding from the soul threads of all the contributors. Passion for Place exudes the passion of authors, artists, poets. It’s a very useful teaching book which will empower the young to understand the river of life that Carmel River truly is, and which enables youth to delve into their own souls much earlier in their lives than without the resource of Passion,,, .
When one observes one’s pure soul wisdom, she or he becomes more enlightened. That wisdom builds geometrically as it spreads to circles of ever increasing diameter until they touch; then there’s a tipping point. We ARE all related. Honored to be included in the book. ~ John Brennan
I am loving THE BOOK. it is like a bible to me and can be taken to bed like a treasure each nite to peruse. The cover painting by Paola is the most perfect choice!! I cherish it and thank you again and again and god bless the people who printed it so beautifully and the wonderful choice of paper within and cover, too. i can't say enuf good about this book. The book is a wonder!! Joan Meyer (2014)
Praise for Passion for Place
The book is beyond adjectives. The land, plants and water thank you from their beds be it bedrock, soil, or sandy stones...The People will thank you from their souls...a diamond-faceted gem.
A true masterpiece which weaves a silk scarf of understanding from the soul threads of all the contributors. Passion for Place exudes the passion of authors, artists, poets. It’s a very useful teaching book which will empower the young to understand the river of life that Carmel River truly is, and which enables youth to delve into their own souls much earlier in their lives than without the resource of Passion,,, .
When one observes one’s pure soul wisdom, she or he becomes more enlightened. That wisdom builds geometrically as it spreads to circles of ever increasing diameter until they touch; then there’s a tipping point. We ARE all related. Honored to be included in the book. ~ John Brennan
I am loving THE BOOK. it is like a bible to me and can be taken to bed like a treasure each nite to peruse. The cover painting by Paola is the most perfect choice!! I cherish it and thank you again and again and god bless the people who printed it so beautifully and the wonderful choice of paper within and cover, too. i can't say enuf good about this book. The book is a wonder!! Joan Meyer (2014)
On behalf of the Friends of the Carmel Valley Library, I want to thank you for a really great First Saturday talk. Also thank you to Laura Bayless, Nikki Nedeff and Bob Schuh for reading and sharing, answering questions, and bringing flowers and arrow heads. it was an exciting and stimulating presentation.
For me, your account of the genesis of an idea to the proofs - to the finished book was fascinating. Important work requires intense prolonged effort, rare is the person who does this. From the moment of seeing the rivers need, through to a process of learning to make a book that will open gracefully, you and your friends and collaborators exerted that effort. It is a very interesting account. We hope the impact of Passion for Place will be lasting and significant for the Carmel River Watershed.
Thank you for designing the First Saturday presentation.
Susan McDonald for the Friends of the Carmel Valley Library
One of the most wonderful books--the way it evokes place is tremendous.
-Jonas Minton, Water Policy Advisor, Planning and Conservation League who was one of the prime instigators of San Clemente Dam removal and rewatering the Carmel River.
Photographer Kim Birdsong, expresses her thoughts about Passion for Place:
"I had to write to say congratulations on creating such a marvelous book! Everything, painting, drawings, photographs, poetry, prose work seamlessly. The design is exquisite and the breadth and beauty, depth and strength and fragility of this place shines through. Your dedication to making this happen is truly impressive." (Click on the green link to see Kim Birdsong's work)
I loved your book! You have done a great service to the community by bringing together history, personal anecdotes and lovely art! -Anne in Salinas
My warmest congratulations for a well deserved outstanding award. Thanks to your very personal style,
you were able to mix a powerful message of respect for an exceptional nature with a
sincere sense of beauty and peace. -Georges Berthoin, France
Passion for Place is "truly one of the most beautiful books I have ever seen." -SM
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your book! -MM
Everyone should have a copy! - SB
Photos are stunning. -TS
Magical production. -JB
The book is a great prototype for other communities. I am so grateful for Passion for Place... -SD
Such a splendid piece of work. Such a major gift to the community. Congratulations. -MM
This book serves the community from which it originates. I consider it an endeavor of community-building par excellence." -JD
The book brings together and creates this ethos of watershed consciousness, a community that gives life to mindfulness on living on our earth--our most expressive humanity of conscience and attentiveness. ...honor(s) the spirit of place, giving an energy and heart and beautiful order to the commitments and conscience of humanity. Barbara Mossberg PhD.
I'd like to compliment you on a truly wonderful and heartfelt tribute to your watershed - thank you for the opportunity to familiarize myself with it. Though I know of the general area around Carmel from several camping trips, to read about it through the eyes of long time residents is truly special. We wish you the best of luck in seeing your lovely book off into the world. I hope it inspires many autobiographies of place around the state. -SL
This is more than a project. It is a huge piece of art and philosophy. In terms of educating people on how they can relate to the river, it is as central as a teaching as Not Man Apart. -DA
The book is beautiful! I am encouraging the local schools to buy a copy. -MG
...a book that absolutely captures the feel of the watershed. -HH
I love Passion for Place...Congratulations. I hope for the book's success and reprinting many times over!! -SM
The day we celebrated the river, the whole dedication to this book...all of it was a testament to this special book. Top notch work and contribution to good in the world. -DBH
Bravo for Passion for Place and thinking like a river! -EM
I enjoy and covet every word and illustration in your beautiful book. ... the design, the layout, the format, the poetry...
Congratulations on such a beautiful masterpiece - thank you for sharing this with the world. -SG
It is really an honor to be a part of such an elegant and important tome.
"Passion for Place is a beautiful, well-written and crafted resource for many of us who don't know about the Carmel River. I want to go to the riverside and read it and take in the beauty of the river.
This book is a jewel which I'll be sure to tell people about. This collaboration from a community that wants to educate us about this - dare I say "dying" resource. Not many know that the river sustains so many communities - yet we really abuse it. I think the public should be reminded of 2017...." CMR
(* 2017 is when the pumping of the river by approximately 75% will need to stop according to the Cease and Desist Order 95-10 issued in 1995 by the State Water Resources Control Board.)
For me, your account of the genesis of an idea to the proofs - to the finished book was fascinating. Important work requires intense prolonged effort, rare is the person who does this. From the moment of seeing the rivers need, through to a process of learning to make a book that will open gracefully, you and your friends and collaborators exerted that effort. It is a very interesting account. We hope the impact of Passion for Place will be lasting and significant for the Carmel River Watershed.
Thank you for designing the First Saturday presentation.
Susan McDonald for the Friends of the Carmel Valley Library
One of the most wonderful books--the way it evokes place is tremendous.
-Jonas Minton, Water Policy Advisor, Planning and Conservation League who was one of the prime instigators of San Clemente Dam removal and rewatering the Carmel River.
Photographer Kim Birdsong, expresses her thoughts about Passion for Place:
"I had to write to say congratulations on creating such a marvelous book! Everything, painting, drawings, photographs, poetry, prose work seamlessly. The design is exquisite and the breadth and beauty, depth and strength and fragility of this place shines through. Your dedication to making this happen is truly impressive." (Click on the green link to see Kim Birdsong's work)
I loved your book! You have done a great service to the community by bringing together history, personal anecdotes and lovely art! -Anne in Salinas
My warmest congratulations for a well deserved outstanding award. Thanks to your very personal style,
you were able to mix a powerful message of respect for an exceptional nature with a
sincere sense of beauty and peace. -Georges Berthoin, France
Passion for Place is "truly one of the most beautiful books I have ever seen." -SM
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your book! -MM
Everyone should have a copy! - SB
Photos are stunning. -TS
Magical production. -JB
The book is a great prototype for other communities. I am so grateful for Passion for Place... -SD
Such a splendid piece of work. Such a major gift to the community. Congratulations. -MM
This book serves the community from which it originates. I consider it an endeavor of community-building par excellence." -JD
The book brings together and creates this ethos of watershed consciousness, a community that gives life to mindfulness on living on our earth--our most expressive humanity of conscience and attentiveness. ...honor(s) the spirit of place, giving an energy and heart and beautiful order to the commitments and conscience of humanity. Barbara Mossberg PhD.
I'd like to compliment you on a truly wonderful and heartfelt tribute to your watershed - thank you for the opportunity to familiarize myself with it. Though I know of the general area around Carmel from several camping trips, to read about it through the eyes of long time residents is truly special. We wish you the best of luck in seeing your lovely book off into the world. I hope it inspires many autobiographies of place around the state. -SL
This is more than a project. It is a huge piece of art and philosophy. In terms of educating people on how they can relate to the river, it is as central as a teaching as Not Man Apart. -DA
The book is beautiful! I am encouraging the local schools to buy a copy. -MG
...a book that absolutely captures the feel of the watershed. -HH
I love Passion for Place...Congratulations. I hope for the book's success and reprinting many times over!! -SM
The day we celebrated the river, the whole dedication to this book...all of it was a testament to this special book. Top notch work and contribution to good in the world. -DBH
Bravo for Passion for Place and thinking like a river! -EM
I enjoy and covet every word and illustration in your beautiful book. ... the design, the layout, the format, the poetry...
Congratulations on such a beautiful masterpiece - thank you for sharing this with the world. -SG
It is really an honor to be a part of such an elegant and important tome.
"Passion for Place is a beautiful, well-written and crafted resource for many of us who don't know about the Carmel River. I want to go to the riverside and read it and take in the beauty of the river.
This book is a jewel which I'll be sure to tell people about. This collaboration from a community that wants to educate us about this - dare I say "dying" resource. Not many know that the river sustains so many communities - yet we really abuse it. I think the public should be reminded of 2017...." CMR
(* 2017 is when the pumping of the river by approximately 75% will need to stop according to the Cease and Desist Order 95-10 issued in 1995 by the State Water Resources Control Board.)
Passion For Place is exquisite. You can feel the River coming off the pages. And the wisdom of the people who belong to it. ~ Barry Lopez, author, Arctic Dreams
This intimate book is a model of watershed literature, wind-scrubbed and open, traced with bobcat prints and chickadee song, full of words that join people to their place. While specific to the Carmel River, it reminds all of us that wherever we live the land around us is, and has always been personal.
~ Malcolm Margolin, publisher, Heyday Books
Passion for Place is the intimate story of a land, as defined by its watershed, told by the many voices of those who have come to call Carmel Valley home. Stunning photographs, drawings, and transcendent paintings of landscapes both grand and small orchestrate these stories into what can only be described as a symphonic love affair with home—the kind of love we all must learn to express if we are to save this beautiful place, indeed any place, from ourselves. ~ David Cavagnaro, author, Living Water
The book is really a testimony of the immense power of human creativity, in this case a collective demonstration of creativity in honor of love for place. ~ David Cavagnaro, author, Living Water
No matter where you live on our blue, green Earth, you will find inspiration and guidance from this anthology and accompanying illustrations, paintings, and photographs to explore the awesome wonders of your own watershed. In addition, the CD of sounds and variation of people's stories activates through example our other than visual senses. It was Aldo Leopold’s observation that as people opened themselves to get to know the place where they lived, they would begin to care for it. Let this beautiful compilation of stories and images, natural sounds and song provide the stepping stones for your own imaginative discovery.
~ Karen Harwell, co-author with Joanna Reynolds of Exploring a Sense of Place
Dylan Thomas, in a letter to fellow Welsh poet Vernon Watkins, referred to his Poem in October as his first poem about a particular place; and, indeed, his lilting poem strongly evokes the Welsh town of Laugharne. We all desire, even need, a sense of place, whether it be the place of our birth or where we have settled and ‘hung up our hat’.
PASSION FOR PLACE, a beautifully produced book, evokes the Carmel River Watershed via stunning textual and visual responses. The collection of prose, poems, paintings, and photographs (with a wonderful bonus CD of engaging conversations) is, as they say in the Welsh language, a ‘praise-poem’ in itself to a spectacular landscape. This superb book is a genuine labour of love and a place inhabited with passion. - Peter Thabit Jones
Peter Thabit Jones is a Welsh poet and dramatist. He and Aeronwy Thomas, daughter of Dylan, wrote the first-ever Dylan Thomas Walking Tour of Greenwich Village, New York, which is available as an internet PDF, audio download, and guided tour via New York Fun Tours, and forthcoming in 2014 as a tourist book and an Internet App. The Walking Tour will be a central focus for the New York DT100 celebrations in 2014.