“The importance of paintings of natural places is that such paintings assert the value of things in the environment and in ourselves that we now risk losing.”
- Alan Gussow
- Alan Gussow
These original oil paintings below are available for purchase. You can see more at www.paolafiorelleberthoin.com or schedule a time to see the paintings at Paola's home gallery.
The paintings "capture so perfectly the feel of the California landscapes I was born into and know so well. " - David Cavagnaro author, Living Water
Sales of these paintings supports the ongoing conservation and maintenance of habitat for the redlegged frogs (a threatened species) and many other animals at my home garden and surrounding land. The frogs have been breeding here for the past five years. The frogs and all animals thank you!
When we allow wildness, our own spirit, to flourish within, we can also respect and allow nature’s spirit, the wild outside, to exist.
–Paola Fiorelle Berthoin
If you have a special place in the Carmel River Watershed (or beyond) you would like a commissioned painting of, Paola would be happy to paint it for you.
Recent commission:
Carmel River Lagoon, May 28, 2015
Oil on linen panel, 5.5" x 13" SOLD
Oil on linen panel, 5.5" x 13" SOLD
"Touché Pass". View from hills up Robinson Canyon Road. SOLD
This painting will be part of the silent auction for the Inaugural Juried Art Auction on Friday, June 19, 2015, 6-9 p.m., at the Sunset Center in Carmel. This is a perfect opportunity to support three arts organizations and the artist...and take home beautiful, meaningful artworks! You can begin online bidding starting June 10. Go to this link.
This painting will be part of the silent auction for the Inaugural Juried Art Auction on Friday, June 19, 2015, 6-9 p.m., at the Sunset Center in Carmel. This is a perfect opportunity to support three arts organizations and the artist...and take home beautiful, meaningful artworks! You can begin online bidding starting June 10. Go to this link.
This painting, "Three Evenings, South Arm of the Carmel River" is part of the silent auction for the Inaugural Juried Art Auction on Saturday, June 20, 2015, 3-6 p.m., at the Sunset Center in Carmel. This is a perfect opportunity to support three arts organizations and the artist...and take home beautiful, meaningful artworks! You can begin online bidding starting June 10. Go to this link.

"I see little of more importance to the future of our country and of civilization than full recognition of the place of the artist. If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it
takes him." - John F. Kennedy
Art is not alone for the 'talented', nor is it a luxury for humanity." Pedros J. de Lemos
Work by Pedros J. de Lemos is currently on display at La Mirada Museum in Monterey until September 28, 2015.