J.B. MacKinnon responded: "In a way, all this biodiversity that's out there, all this biological diversity, all these wonderful and amazing and alien things that other species can do is like an extension of our own brains. There's so much imagination out there that we simply could not come up with on our own that we can think of it as, as a pool of imagination and creativity from which we as humans are able to draw and that when we draw down on that pool of creativity and imagination, we deeply impoverish ourselves. In a sense we are doing harm to our own ability to think and to dream."
This is the heart of Watershed Arts...that our well-being, our imagination, is intricately connected to the well-being of the natural world. Watershed Arts is a way of living in the world that brings together the ecological understanding of the earth's systems and the need for The Arts to take central stage in our culture and society and work creatively with and for the natural world. See more about Watershed Arts at the Bioregional Imagination tab to the left.