Create biodiversity in all we do.
No arguing…Everyone is doing the work that needs to be done, all good and necessary
Importance of seeds to pass on
Planting of seeds, watering them
Singing to plants: that is the catalyst, the spirit side
Be your own leader with a common cause
Put the best into each day, be thankful
We are in the middle of a paradigm shift.
How it goes depends on how we care.
Beloved Community
Who are we as human beings?
“In this system, which tends to devour everything which stands in the way of increased profits, whatever is fragile, like the environment, is defenseless before the interests of a deified market, which become the only rule," Pope Francis, 2013
Fear of the other stokes all frustrations
We do things best when we do them together
“Justice is the public face of love.” Cornell West
Willingness to network with other movements
Need a viable underlying economic model
And viable growth strategy
Flow together into a river of change
Support each other
How to leverage moments into movements?
Play jigsaw puzzles instead of chess.
Not either or solutions
Create beauty in the world we find ourselves in even though broken
Heart: dare to be vulnerable in place of power
The Wild/Wilderness is within us and our source of our greatest inspiration. It is in our DNA. What if Wildness is the height of imagination? Can we recompose ourselves in our place? Deeply in our place, our home? A livable future. Reimagine ourselves. Our wild hearts will lead us. In our wild hearts, our cause is the cause of life. Wilderness is our sanity, our survival, seed bed of creativity of what we have yet to imagine. (This is the heart of Passion for Place: Community Reflections on the Carmel River Watershed. Watershed Arts spiral)
The Sage Grouse has the power to stop the oil companies. Animals standing their ground. We are because of Love We need to think big enough to not allow species to die Cessation of new species coming into the world: this is the sadness beyond the sadness of losing species. Are we listening? |
Witness to beauty that remains
Eyes of the future looking back at us…
Protecting what is wild, what is gentle.
Grace in wildness
Mercy in our hands.
In the presence of water, Awe moves us from “me” to “we”
When we stand in, near, or on water, passion fills us.
We can build community.
We become creative and innovative.
Neurologically, water is crucial to our well being.
Remember Gratitude
“I wish you Water.” Wallace J Nichols